About Me

Current Coding Job
I work for one of Australia's largest mining companies. I got my coding job through an internal job posting and a lot of luck.
Working in wireless communications (shift-work) I had time at 3am to do some coding if I was able to focus.
After meeting some of the software developers, I focused my personal development on moving into a coding role.
July 2022 is when I started my first coding job. I have been working with super-experienced devs with up to 20 years experience in the industry.
The first 6 months were brutal. It was the most mentally draining job I have ever had.
The tech stack was Angular frontend, C# ASP.NET backend and Postgres Database.
What I spent time on
- Angular 13 & 14
- Passing data between components
- NgRx Global Store
- Services
- Oh my god, Observables!
- Angular University
- Jest Unit Tests
- ASP.NET 6 & .NET 7
- Entity Framework Core
- Data Manipulation Manipulation
- Hangfire Scheduled Tasks
- Batching Database Queries
- Creating API Endpoints
- XUnit Tests
- ES6
- Arrays, soo many arrays.
- Sometimes Sets, not arrays.
- Passing by reference bit me
- Map and ForEach infinitely
- 'string' + 'concatenation'
- Design Prototypes
- AWS Cloudwatch Logging
- Terraforms for AWS
- Azure Pipelines
- GitLab Repos
- MS Power BI
- Light scripting
- Converting document formats
- Ripping data from documents
Dev Extreme
- devexpress.com UI Components
- Data Grids
- Dropdown Menus
- Custom changes to components
Before Coding
Network engineering. Lots of network engineering.
I started as a Network engineer working for some Perth radio stations.
Specialising in Cisco equipment, I have the CCNP certification.
Ended up working as a Comms tech at a couple of small mine sites. WA and QLD.
Joined a bigger mining company as a site tech - mostly doing network programming, fibre optics and general IT.
Moved into a city job in a Wireless Communications role for autonomous mine trucks.
I have 2 degrees from UK universities
- BSc Telecommunications Engineering
- BSc Psychology
My professional certifications
- Cisco CCNP
- Microsoft MCSA Server 2019
- AWS Solutions Architect Associate
And then I had the required lobotomy to become an Australian citizen.
Coding. I do an hour every night.
Computer games. I'm a natural.
Learning guitar. I'm awful.
I have a home gym. I'm not buff.
I have a home pool table. I'm average.
Karate & Kung-Fu. 10 years ago.